Sunday, March 16, 2014

For the love of cupcakes

I was browsing the internet and discovered a hilarious Youtube video, When the dog stays at home. Not only is the video awesome in its own right, but it makes me think about what Charlie would do if he was left to roam around the house on his own.

The last time we were able to leave Charlie home alone without his kennel was when he was a puppy. We blocked off the kitchen from the rest of the house, allowing him access to only that one room. This lasted for a week when one day we came home to find the kitchen rug ruined, the woodwork of the door scratched to the point of shreds, and gnawed up kitchen table legs. This traumatic situation for both Charlie and us, his owners, means Charlie will always stay home in the kennel.

However, this week, Michelle received a glimpse of what may happen when we are not around. She brought home a cupcake from Jones Bros. Cupcakes and left the kitchen only to return to this:

Apparently, Charlie loves cupcakes.

However, Charlie pretty much loves anything to do with humans. Or food. Because later that same week I did a quick cleaning of the refrigerator, dumping some leftovers that had been in there too long. Mistakenly, I left the garbage out of the cupboard in the kitchen and it didn't take very long for Charlie to chow down on some delicious, old food.

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