Sunday, September 13, 2015

Joyful bubbles

Lily enjoys observing and discovering the wonders of the world. Most recently she has been enthralled with the properties of bubbles. Pure joy covers her face as she gazes, anticipates, predicts, and hypothesizes. Doing bubbles with her probably could turn into an extended activity if we let it.

Her awe begins with how they disappear upon touching her, and continues with her seemingly magical powers of touch which dissolve them as well.

Yet, when the bubbles land in the grass, they delicately settle there for a seemingly untimely period, then decide to pop at moments notice. With urgency, Lily pokes them saying, "pop." So many bubbles, so little time.

Upon confirmation of  these magical popping powers, Lily goes to work with fingers posed. No bubble, big or small, is a match for her.

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