Recently, I've been very carefully watching his fingers to memorize key strokes and my determination paid off: I discerned his blog password.
I have exciting news to share with the blogging community and I hope that actual canines read this, not just humans. But humans are great. I love them. So humans should read too.
I hope I can sleep in her crib, curling up next to her to keep her warm.
I want to chase her around the house, just like how dad plays chase with me.
I hear that pregnant women are absent-minded. The other night glass cookware exploded all over the kitchen because my mom inadvertently had the incorrect burner turned up on high heat. It was scary. Accidents happen, but I hate how dad carried me to my kennel and wouldn't let me run on shattered glass to check and see if my mom was OK.
The little kids from the neighborhood came to our house and rang the doorbell on New Year's Day. I can't wait for little neighborhood kids to play with my sister. Kids everywhere! I will chase them. Chasing is fun.
My parents think they can teach me not to jump before little sister is born. I will jump all over her anyway. I will also lick her face, lay on her neck, and show her how much I can love her.
And your baby sister will enjoy every single of your jumps, licks and squeals. K Pesek.