I thought it might be useful to share some best practices, great ideas, and successful recipes about grilling.
Here are three easy steps for grilling corn on the cob:
- Soak the corn on the cob, in its entirety with the husks, in cold water, for at least an hour.
- You can soak the corn longer. No harm done.
- I prefer to also place the corn in the refrigerator while soaking, although that isn't necessary.
- Grill the corn.
- Because the husks have soaked up water it will help prevent them from catching on fire (a little flame can be expected).
- The outsides will darken and even blacken. That is OK.
- Slowly rotate the corn. You will know when, as each side turns from green to brown to black.
- Remove the burnt outer husks, after the cob is mainly black and taken off the grill.
- BE CAREFUL because the corn and husks will be extremely HOT to touch.
- I like to wear oven mitts or gloves to protect my hands.
- The first couple of black outer layers will easily peel away and the inner layers can be left on the cob to keep the corn warm until it is ready to eat.
I will have to try this! Alex LOVES corn. K. Pesek.